Monday, April 4, 2011

I Get It Now.

Whenever I used to babysit for a family the first time, they'd always leave me this insanely detailed list of instructions/facts. I'm talking the kind of thing that left me thinking, "Uh, I'm not an idiot. I manage to keep myself alive everyday, after all." You know, a list kind of like this:

I get it now.


  1. LOL! I've made a few of those lists myself!

  2. ahahaha...I remember those lists as a babysitter! I can't say that I"ve done one yet myself but then again, we've only left him with a non family sitter twice and he was asleep both times....

  3. *chuckling* been there, done that... on both ends :) I've done the list even with my sister/mom... not as much now that she's hit toddlerhood... but still... I make sure to mention a few things even now if she's going to be with someone else for a longer period of time :)

  4. We've left Liara once with her Godfather & another family friend... we were only gone for 3 hours and yet my "little note" was 2 pages front and back. I feel ya! They just laughed and said they understood though, but that it wasn't their first rodeo (her Godfather has 3 girls and the other sitter has a boy and a girl...). :) It was more for peace of mind for ME more than her. She did great and I'm pretty sure they didn't need the list!

  5. Hilarious! I've made a smaller list before, not the mother list you have pictured above though. Basically, Brian and I don't really go out a whole lot and when we do, we leave her with his parents. My MIL is an OB Nurse and they live 15 minutes from her doctor. They grow a lot of their own food and make said food in advance when she comes over so ovens and stoves (yes, plural) are cool to the touch. They have a ton of toys and have ALWAYS listened to and followed our wishes/demands when it comes to our sweet girl! They have her schedule and favorite foods down pat! Love!!


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