How far along: 26 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: skipping weigh in this week - ha!
Maternity clothes: I feel like someday they won't even fit :(
Stretch marks: none yet, despite itching and constant worrying.
Belly button: outie!
Sleep: sleepy ALL the time.
Baby movement: yes - lots and strong! I swear I feel like this kid is giving me high fives!
Gender: 100% boy!
Food cravings: Wendy's. Hmmph.
Food aversions: beef, sweets still, dairy, bleh.
What I miss: my waistline.
Looking forward to: Continuing to prepare the nursery!
Best moment this week: Getting the invite list to my baby shower hostess and prepping for that! AND getting my pre-preg jeans to button (probably for the last time - let's be honest!)
Milestones: Unfortunately, the morning sickness continues, particularly at night. Bleh. In fact, this week it's been so bad I've found myself pulled over on the side of the road, unable to even speak. Fun stuff.
Bump pics:
I could not imagine morning sickness for this long; stay strong, B! I can't wait to see your little man!!