Monday, February 2, 2015

...And Somehow It's 2015 All of a Sudden.

How have five weeks passed by since I last blogged? I was really doing well posting regularly there for a while. Clearly blogging didn't make the New Years Resolution cut, but I digress. I'm here now, though, and with five weeks of updates!

First things first, Ava is FIVE now! Holy smokes! How'd that happen? Didn't I just find out I was "unexpectedly expecting" the other day?! More on her party soon, but let's just say it was the best yet. Five's been treating her decently so far, too, from getting her ears pierced to starting karate to fulfilling a goal she's had for quite a while: moving up to the big girl gymnastics class! 

Ava's been taking classes at The Little Gym for quite some time, and while she's loved every second of it, she's been anxiously awaiting the time when she could move up to the grade-school level classes. She made that move last month, and today marked her third class as a "good friend". Her class is a combo class, with age groups spanning 5-12, which is absolutely perfect for her, since she's got quite a bit of natural talent when it comes to gymnastics. She's coordinated, ridiculously fit, focused - all things she didn't inherit from me ;) Anyhow, combining her natural propensity towards gymnastics with her love for girls older than her and challenging herself, and this class has been an absolute perfect fit. Even better, we love Ms. Kathryn, her instructor, and she's made a wonderful new friend in the class that's her same age and started the same day she did - they've become great friends, and her mom and I have too. The relationships we've made with the owners, instructors and classmates at The Little Gym is one of the many, many things I love about it there!

Jack has also started a new class this semester, having graduated from the "Bugs" class to the "Birds" class now that he's a bit older. His current age grouping is 10-19 months, which is wonderful, since he's smack dab in the middle, and able to learn from the older kids and be an example to some of the younger kids! We have one of our fellow bugs in our new class, too, so seeing a familiar face and knowing that our two little ones have a long-standing friendship already is wonderful! Jack LOVES his time on the big red mat!

He likes to take his skills home with him to practice between classes ;)

Ava has also started Tae Kwon Do, thanks in part to a seriously awesome Groupon at a local studio. She's really enjoying it so far, and loves how goal-oriented it is. She's already earned her headband from learning and reciting the oath:

My grandma (aka Nana to the kids) came to visit for a week, which was really wonderful. She was such a huge part of my childhood, and I absolutely love that my children are getting to know her and making memories with her as well! I feel so fortunate that they've got such wonderful family in their lives that want to be a part of it <3 p="">

We also had our sweet kitten Jasper pass away after just five weeks, falling victim to a terrible virus (FIP), and have since adopted a sweet little calico kitten named Charlotte. She turned four months old the other day, and she is AMAZING. Sweetest, most curious, Ava-loving kitten of all time:

Happy, happy new year! I hope that all of you are having a wonderful start to your new year as well!

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