Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Critics.

To those who told me that my baby would never sleep through the night if I didn't leave her to cry it out to learn to self-soothe:


Girlfriend's been sleeping for TWELVE. STRAIGHT. HOURS.

She does self-soothe. She's capable of it because I've managed to raise her in the past fourteen months to be a self-confident toddler, one who knows that if she needs actual soothing, mommy and/or daddy are only a cry away, leaving her feeling secure and worry-free.

Booyah. In. Your. Face.

(Editor's Note: This isn't directed at any of you. The people who were critical of my parenting were mainly those mere acquaintances in real life that can't seem to keep their childless opinions to themselves, and not those who read my blog. But since I'm not a confrontational person, I either gloat here, or not at all ;P

Also, I recognize that CIO works wonders for others. No judgment.)


  1. I love hearing success stories from my fellow non-CIO mommies!

  2. That's great!! I feel like I have no choice but to try CIO. I have been putting it off and keep making excuses as to why i can't start yet. I want Jack to be able to fall asleep on his own (I've tried various things already), but I really don't want to let him cry. I'm so torn! Your story gives me hope that I don't have to CIO. Is she still sleeping in your bed? How do you put her down for the night when you're not going to bed yourself? The things we are doing now are going to shape who they are as older kids/adults and I don't want to mess him up!! I'm probably just overthinking it though!

  3. Congrats!!! :) Each to their own! Glad this worked out for you guys!

  4. Yay for good sleep! Doesn't that just make your whole day (week!) seem better? :o)

  5. Good for you. Marianne, being 19 months now, will say "Night-night" and find a blanket and a comfy spot wherever to pass out. Poor kiddo, so tired. It takes energy to monkey about all day, I suppose.

    I used CIO, but it was the rare, rare instance that M didn't go to sleep on her own as it was, crying or not. Typically we had to use it when we went to a new place (the first night) and after she got all adjusted it was good.

    Glad it worked for you...hope she continues to sleep 12 hours. M still does the 10-12 at night and 1.5 during the day (we insist on the 1.5 otherwise she is a crank-fest.)

  6. @Rene - I feel compelled to post and say, for some kids CIO is all that works. Not all kids are the same, and mine is both an escape artist, smart and stubborn. I love her to pieces but I have absolutely no delusions about the kind of trouble she could get into without strict limits.

    Letting your kiddo cry a night or two to sleep will not scar them for life. M is 19 months and happy, well-adjusted and remarkably well-behaved for a toddler. Everyone thinks she is at least 3.

    In the end you have to do what's best for YOU and your kid, regardless of what the books and/or experts say to do. Beating yourself up about something that you might only wind up having to do ONE time (it took three times for M to understand that unless she was dirty, in pain or sick, she was staying in bed when bedtime came around.)


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