Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Ma! There's Nothing to do in Here!"

Has anyone else seen this book?! I consider myself pretty well-versed in children's literature, but I stumbled upon this title yesterday for the first time, and it is absolutely adorable! The illustrations alone are hilarious!

Since the first time I felt her move, I've probably considered the thought that she must be bored to pieces in there about 4302839492347 times. Having a VERY short attention span myself, I can't imagine being cooped up, by myself, without anything to play with/do for nine long months. I've actually wondered if this experience may be worse for her than for me, even, and we all know how much I do not enjoy being pregnant. Yeah, yeah, so her thought process is minimal, if existent, so she's probably not dwelling on how damn boring it is in there, but this book does, and it's pretty dang cute. I recommend it to any mom-to-be who ever sits and wonders, What do they do all day?! (Other than, ya know, kick us in the bladder/kidney/stomach/etc and demand food on an hourly basis!) I've read it to her twice now, and I swear both times she kicked along throughout as if in agreement.

I was hooked from page one, which started off with, "What's a baby to do in a womb with no view?" Haha - awesome job, Barbara Park! For those of you who haven't read the series with kiddos you know/sit for/gave birth to/teach, Park is the author of the incredibly creative and wildly successful Junie B. Jones books. Yet another hit for Park!

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