Fall is, hands down, my very favorite season! Though it isn't what most people would consider breezy outside just yet, any reprieve from the heat is so welcome after an entire summer of stifling heat that 85 degrees heralds celebration in central Texas, and celebrate we did, taking a trip out to Bastrop County to Barton Hill Farms' Fall Festival!
Aside from the cooler temps, another favorite thing about fall are the fall holidays, and what better way to kick off the fall holiday season than at a pumpkin patch! We make it an annual tradition for our family to head out to the pumpkin patch, and after our first visit to Barton Hill Farms, I'm certain that we'll be making this a yearly trip!
Barton Hill Farms is a relative newcomer on the pumpkin patch scene, having only been operating for fall festivals for the past several years. Nestled on the Colorado River, the farm offers up pumpkins and pumpkin painting, a giant corn maze (this year's is shaped like a Longhorn - Hook 'em!) and a smaller corn maze for the littler kids, face painting, pony rides, farm animals to pet, a barrel ride, tricycle races, and much, much more! One of the highlights for Ava during our trip was the jumping pillow situated in the midst of the farm - David and I took turns jumping with her because it was just that much fun! I'll be excited next year when Jack is sturdy enough to take a turn for himself!
Another big hit for Ava was the pony rides, especially when her pony, Sunset, took off in a (controlled) gallop! She talked about it the rest of the day, excited that she'd "ridden a horse" rather than just your regular walkabout on a pony. That'll definitely be a memory that she'll treasure!
For mama, one of the best parts was sitting outside of the big corn maze on a large swing underneath a shade tree, swinging with Jackson and watching David and Ava jump on the pillow! Nothing makes it feel like the weekend quite like swinging with a beverage and taking in a view of the Colorado River.
Speaking of beverages, there are a variety for sale there, including beer and wine! We were there early in the day before it started to heat up too much, so I didn't get a change to imbibe, but there was an assortment of vendors there with goods for sale, including brisket sliders, burgers, veggie burgers, snow cones, and more! Definitely don't hesitate to come hungry and make a day of it - there are lots of shaded picnic tables where you can eat!
We were so impressed with the staff, as well. I was asked multiple times by helpers roaming around the farm if they could help us with anything, and at the corn maze, we were given a great guide to help little kiddos navigate it. The woman who was at the admission area was a wealth of information and so friendly, and when my carrier flew out of the barrel somehow during the barrel ride, the driver quickly pulled over to get it for us and we all had a good laugh!
Aside from it being Jack's first trip to a pumpkin patch and fall festival, it was also his first time petting a goat. His reaction was fantastic, and very typical of Jack's general thoughts on life:
The Barton Hill Farms Fall Festival runs Saturdays 10a-10p and Sundays 10a-5p, now through November 9th. You can purchase discounted tickets online here, and vendors in the park take both cash and credit/debit cards!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Jack: 11 Months Old!
This has been a big month around our house! Jack has started taking steps - his very first one September 11 - and as of his 11 month birthday, takes six or seven at a time by himself, and is getting much more confident! Once he started walking around behind the alligator toy, he went from nervous to excited about taking steps!
At 11 months, Jack:
-weighs 19lbs, 3oz.
-is " long
-has 8 teeth, and likes to use them!
-takes 6-7 steps in a row, particularly to Ava and myself.
-is the sweetest, huggiest, snuggliest baby boy! He just gives hugs all over the place!
-loves reading books, and we've been going to story time at the North Village library for the past month. He particularly enjoys "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", and puts his hands up in the air during.
-is a little troublemaker. He likes to do something he's not supposed to - i.e. unroll the toilet paper or knock drinks off the coffee table - and then look at me during and smile and shake his head no. STINKER.
-is an eating machine. Seriously, I don't know how we'll ever be able to keep this kid fed as a teenager. He could seriously eat all. day. long.
-eats just about anything you give him. Beans, fruits, vegetables, crackers, puffs, noodles, chicken nuggets, eggs - you name it. He also really digs rocks, soil, paper wrappers off the ground - this kid puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.
-says "mama", "dada", "gee gee", "buh!", "oof" for dog, "duh" for duck.
-loves playing with musical instruments and toys, and particularly enjoys music class at school.
-Speaking of school, he began nursery school at A's school last Thursday! While his first day was great, his second day (he just goes once a week) was a bit more rough - he cried a bit :( Poor little guy! We'll see how next week goes, but I'm sure he'll enjoy it! It's just hard to be apart sometimes :(
Happy 11 months, little man! I can't believe that you're rapidly approaching one year! Holy moly - how time flies! I'm enjoying this last bit of babyhood with you!
Until next month,
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Create Custom Photo Books on Collage.com! Coupon Code Inside!
Create a professional photo book with a single click using Collage.com's One-Click Photo Book. Select photos of any size from Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, or your computer, and they will instantly suggest a clean, professional layout that you can further customize!
Deal: Use http://bit.ly/collagepbdeal">this link
for 51% off a 20-page 11.5"x8" Hardcover Photo Book From Collage.com.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Visit Barton Hill Farms Fall Festival and Corn Maze!
It's that time of year again! Pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, and the sweet smell of fall in the crisp air can only mean one thing: it's time to visit the pumpkin patch! This is one of our family's favorite fall traditions, and I am so excited to introduce Jack to it this year when we go to visit Barton Hill Farms!
Barton Hill Farms is set amongst 100-year-old cottonwood trees, rolling grassy hill and the picturesque Colorado River. Our Fall Festival and Corn Maze is the perfect setting to let your kids enjoy true outdoor entertainment, including rides, games, a corn maze, pumpkin patch, local vendors and farm animals! We welcome both large groups and field trips! For more information, including hours and directions, visit Barton Hill Farms, and start planning your trip today!
Barton Hill Farms is set amongst 100-year-old cottonwood trees, rolling grassy hill and the picturesque Colorado River. Our Fall Festival and Corn Maze is the perfect setting to let your kids enjoy true outdoor entertainment, including rides, games, a corn maze, pumpkin patch, local vendors and farm animals! We welcome both large groups and field trips! For more information, including hours and directions, visit Barton Hill Farms, and start planning your trip today!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Jack's First Day of Nursery School!

On a serious note, though, I was super stressed about it. I seriously went back and forth in my head about fifty trillion times on the hour long drive in post-flash flood traffic, thinking about how guilty I felt and how selfish I was being. And while there is still 5% of me that feels that way, there's 95% of me that felt calm and centered and like I had been given a chance to regroup and just collect my thoughts for a change when I came back to pick Jack up (half an hour early for the first time anywhere ever - lol).
As for how his day went, it went great! He cried when I handed him over to his teacher, who I adore, but before I was even out of earshot, she had redirected him to the music toys and he. was. happy. Like, not crying. Miracle. I made it a point to leave as quickly as possible despite my instincts to linger, and it definitely made all the difference. As the one usually taking over when mama leaves, I know how essential it is to not draggggg it out.
When I got back, I asked how he was at the front to the director, who told me what a happy baby he was! "He didn't cry at all!"
HUH? Is it awful that I said, "You know I'm Jackson's mom, right?!"
I mean, don't get me wrong, I didn't want him to cry. But that doesn't mean that I'm not surprised. My baby? Smiled all day? Didn't cry once? Also, why the hell doesn't he do that for me?!?
I tried to sneak up on him to snap a picture of him playing, but he must have smelled me or something, because the second I popped into view, he locked eyes on me. I've got to work on my stealth.
When did my baby become a little boy?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Jack Goes to Nursery School!
Jackson starts in the nursery at Ava's school this morning, and I have some serious mixed feelings about it. On one hand, he's so little. I feel really conflicted about him being away from me basically EVER. However, after dragging him to my Gyno, the eye doctor, my Lasik consult, the dentist - you name it - I feel that it could be beneficial if I had a few hours to myself every week to do things like that, as well as to work on my business. But...he's just so little :( I keep telling myself I can still change my mind, even after he goes today, but maybe it'll be good for him and for me? We'll see after today, I suppose. In the meantime, stay tuned for cutie pie pictures of Jack on his first day of nursery "school"!
Now excuse me while I go cry into my coffee...
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Rodan + Fields: My Story!
If you've been following me on Facebook, you know that I recently joined forces with Rodan + Fields as an independent consultant for their skincare products. I've been talking a lot about it, and for good reason: I am just so, so excited about my results, and want to share the good news with all of you and inspire you to get the best skin of your life!
Since having Jack, I feel like I've been in a bit of a funk, at least image-wise. I just don't feel great about myself. Part of this is those ten pounds I cannot lose, no matter how hard I try, but another part was due to some pretty regular breakouts that I started having. No matter how little sleep I got or how late I was running, I always felt compelled to put on make-up - and I mean the whole concealer, foundation, setting powder shebang! - to hide embarrassing blemishes. Working with children is amazing, but they don't hold much back, and I heard more, "What's that spot on your face? And that one? And that one?" to really last me a lifetime.
I had heard the names Rodan and Fields previously, but had never really explored the products - and more importantly, the clinical results and science/medicine behind it - until I got to know a new friend in one of my mom's groups. She mentioned that she sold them, and figuring I had little left to lose (including money - the company offers a 60-day, "empty bottle" guarantee, so you can return the empty bottles after sixty days for your money back if you're not satisfied!), I placed an order for the Unblemish regimen. I may not be able to place an order and lose those ten pounds, but my skin? That I could do something about!
I was immediately impressed with two things: the quality of the products (they were the #1 selling brand in Nordstrom before pulling from shelves to move to direct sales), and the speed at which I received my order. They warehouse in Dallas, and so overnight, my products got to me! Awesome! When I make my mind up to do something, I want to get down and dirty and do it, so that was really motivating for me to get my products and start using them ASAP!
I wasn't sure what to expect, since so many things had failed me. I had tried to Neutrogena products I'd been using since girlhood, some cleanser samples my dermatologist had given me when she basically said she couldn't do anything for me until I finished nursing, creams, you name it. I had also run the gamut of foul-smelling, drying, gooey-feeling products, so imagine my surprise when my products arrived all nicely packaged and nicely smelling. I didn't want to gag while washing my face!
Within days, I noticed an almost immediate difference in my skin - from the way it felt, to the breakouts I had been experiencing. Even my husband, who doesn't notice anything short of me chopping off all of my hair, noticed and complimented me on my skin. Within ten days, I was able to leave my house make-up free for the first time in AGES! Literally, I couldn't remember the last time that was the case! It was extremely liberating, and I must say, it felt good. So good, in fact, I decided to join the company, knowing that I wanted to make other people feel as empowered and self-confident as I did!
If you have any skin issues - from breakouts, like me, to rosacea, hyper-pigmentation, sun spots, melanoma (the pregnancy mask) and then some, please consider sending me an email or visiting my site! For the month of September, I am offering to pay the enrollment fee for ANY NEW PREFERRED CUSTOMER! That gives you 10% off and free shipping - for life! I would love to walk you through some of the products and regimens to see if I could help you to get the same amazing results I have! Even if you don't have skin issues, Rodan + Fields products are for every skin type and address signs of premature aging. The doctors are the same team that came up with Proactiv and changed the face of teenage acne treatments forever, and they're now doing the same for aging skin - and let's face it: we're all aging, all the time! Why not be proactive in keeping your skin firm, toned and even, and find you way to the best skin of your life!
NOW is the absolute best time to explore their products, too, as their new, one-of-a-kind, groundbreaking product will be hitting the market for customers who are signed up prior to October 26 in late October - months ahead of the launch to the general public! This game-changing product is individual, one-time-use patches with brand new technology to melt into the fine line and act as a filler, creating results similar to Botox - WITHOUT the needles and expense. NOW is the time!
NOW is the absolute best time to explore their products, too, as their new, one-of-a-kind, groundbreaking product will be hitting the market for customers who are signed up prior to October 26 in late October - months ahead of the launch to the general public! This game-changing product is individual, one-time-use patches with brand new technology to melt into the fine line and act as a filler, creating results similar to Botox - WITHOUT the needles and expense. NOW is the time!
Ava's First Day of Preschool - 2014 Edition!
Well this post is certainly belated seeing as how we just finished our second week of school - oops. That's basically the way of things around here these days...
Anyhow, without even further adieu, here are pictures of my sweet baby bear on his first day of preschool in the four-year-old class!
^^ You have no idea how much she looks like me as a child in that last picture. It kind of blew me away.
She's at the same school as last year, and it really showed with how seamless the first-day transition was! Whereas last year she cried when I left, she couldn't have cared less this year! I was trying to get her attention to wave so she would know I was leaving, and she basically dismissed me with her hand! I guess that's better, but still...ouch. I can't believe next year she'll be in Kinder! Holy moly!
Friday, September 12, 2014
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