Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

S, the little girl I watch that's nearing three, has been asking some VERY interesting questions lately...I'm pretty sure she's a bit ahead of her time with this curiosity!

The most recent:

We were driving to the Children's Museum the other day, when S started yelling, "B, where's your baby?! We forgot your baby!" Hahaha. So cute!

Then, shortly after on the same day, I was reading to her in her bed, with her sitting in my lap.
"I'll be careful of your baby," she tells me, sweetly.
"I know, S. Thank you," I replied. Then she sat there looking at my stomach for several minutes.
"How's the baby going to get out of your belly?" SHIT. Think fast, think fast.
"Um, I'm not quite sure yet, to be honest," I told her, since it's plausible that I may not know.
"But how did the baby get in your belly?" she probed. Ay ay ay. Luckily we were saved by the arrival home of her mother. Hallelujah! I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she remembers her question, though!

Tuesday I was showing her a recent ultrasound picture. "Why's your baby black?" she asked, referring to the amniotic fluid present in the majority of the picture. Ha! I love this kid.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! I love the cute things kids say!


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