Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Cheerios & Frozen Waffles.

On a side note, don't miss out on my current giveaway for $10 store credit to Uff Da Designs! You'll absolutely love her Etsy shop!


  1. Cute! I love the look of determination she has in the 4th picture. We haven't tried cheerios yet, but with Jack's love for puffs, I'm sure he'll love them too.

  2. So cute! We also haven't tried cheerios. P goes crazy over puffs, so I know they will be a big hit! Frozen waffles? What kind did you buy? I love having P try new things. It's so fun to watch!

  3. Great pics!!!! B hasn't quite gotten to Cheerios yet.. I'm so paranoid he's going to choke! But he does love Puffs and the Target type puffs... so I'm sure Cheerios will be a winner too. :) How fun!

  4. Wow! Go Ava! Asher won't eat any solids yet. He has a pretty sensitive gag reflex and loves his purees. :o) Oh well, soon enough!


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